CC Not Being Sent From QC When Triggered Via Midi

Ran into a issue with my QC. Due to it’s current Limitations I have to use a line 6 HxOne to suppliment it. I have it set up so when i go to specific scene it would send a CC commend to the HxOne to trigger its Flex feature. When i do this manually it works fine, but when i do it via automation (Send Midi from DAW to QC to change scene) it does not work.

I have it set to Midi out not Thru as i need to be abel change patches manually as a safeguard). The CC commend i am sending to QC to change is CC#35-42. Tried it with both 0 value and 127. The message being triggered is CC#2 value 0(tried 127 aswell) tried both normal CC and CC Toggle. same thing.