Browser back button doesn't work on cortex cloud

CorOS Version: 1.x
Mac OS Sonoma - Safari browser
Describe your issue:
When searching for a capture you are presented with a list of captures, if you then select a capture to view the details when you go back (either by using the browser controls or the ‘back’ hyperlink), the list of returned search results has gone which means you then have to repeat the search. This is very inconvenient and makes searching very difficult.

Steps to reproduce your issue:

  1. Step 1 - as above
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

I expected this to happen:
When I do x, I expect y to happen

I have tried the following things:
I have tried using chrome, but it is the same.


Confirmed from my side. Annoys the hell out of me everytime.

Seriously annoying. Wish that going “back” would just go back to what your search was for.