Bring back please

Ever have an update change something in a “not great” way?

This could be intentional or unintentional on the part of development, but what if there was a place to express the little things (not necessarily a bug) that have changed.

Example- Im dialing in a tone for a bass preset. I start off by selecting a amp block.

After update CorOs 2.1.0, the rotary dial (bank up) no longer functions as a selector dial (rotary) which is also indicated by led. This functionality has not been completely removed because after you pick one you can edit “change device” which then enables the selector.

Workable, but not great. Lol. However that amp capture by neural (agi751) is!

That is odd. I can for example create a new preset, select an amp and use the top right encoder to scroll through all available amp blocks just as before. Am I missing something?

Should i email support then?

I think ill load a prev backup, re upload update, then get back

Yes, email if you continue to have issues.

I’ve found that you can scroll/rotate thru captures in the DL folder once you add one to the grid and open the editor menu, but it stops working when it hits the bottom of the folder page (7 captures max).

Haven’t really explored that aspect with factory captures or models. Is it possible you had a filter engaged? I’ve heard people having trouble with that when scrolling.

I’m really happy they brought back the shortcut to devices from tapping on the device name in the edit menu. I missed that one!