Boot time in CorOs 3.0.0 now way longer then before

In the last update before CorOs 3.0.0, the boot time was improved:

The average time users were reporting then was about 48-50 seconds, see here: CorOS 2.3.1 and Cortex Control 1.0.1 are now available

I recently noticed that the boot time of the QC felt like an eternity, so I stopped the time. It’s 70 seconds! That’s about 22 seconds longer than on the last CorOs, which translates to +40% increase!
I’m kind of at a loss for words at this point…

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Can confirm, my unit takes 79 seconds to boot. Hope they fix this with 3.0.1

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Life can be heavy


I just updated yesterday and mine takes about 59 seconds. I wonder if boot-time is dependent on the complexity of the preset that it boots to. Have you tried booting to a simple preset (with just a few blocks) to see if it shortens boot-time?

I booted to different presets and also with an nearly empty storage. Doesn’t make a noticeable difference.

It was already a slow starter but it’s 1960’s boot misery now. Thanks plugins.

I’d much rather have a 70-second startup than a tube failure on-stage, any day of the week.


Yeah… I’d rather have a slow start up than a broken neck, but how does that relate to the topic?
The boot time was slow to begin with, which is not great but it was known and being worked on. Since the launch of the QC, it has been improved at least twice. But now with the new CorOs they managed to make it much slower than ever before. I don’t think that’s acceptable.

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Sorry you’re having problems. Doesn’t seem to be a widespread issue. Have you filed a bug report or emailed NDSP?

mine only takes 1:36, so I’m winning


I wanted to share it here first because I don’t think it is a bug but simply the new boot time. So far we have 79, 70 and 59 seconds, which is already a pretty huge difference.
Also, so far NDSP hasn’t replied to any of my bug reports with more then “we will send it to the devs” and then gone quiet forever.

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Are we talking seconds or hours at this point? :wink:


I haven’t timed mine lol I like the build up waiting to hear all the goodies inside the box,

Doesn’t bother me

Time for chill

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I’m sure that all the new features have added some boot time, but to be fair, I hadn’t even noticed until I read this thread lol. Good to know I guess.

They had to do a major rewrite of the OS, so it only makes sense. They streamlined it once before, and I’m sure they will fine tune it as they develope it further

I never timed mine before but it doesn’t seem any longer…or shorter. If it’s something to be fixed in coding, I wouldn’t expect them to halt the assembly line and call a meeting of the board. :laughing: I’d imagine they’re compiling a list of tweeks for v3.0.1. Hopefully “shorten boot time” is on it so we can all get some sleep.

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Mine seems to take roughly twice as long to boot now since the 3.0.0 update as well. I haven’t timed it, just keeping an eye on it. As long as it doesn’t get worse over time, I’m ok with it taking a minute or two to boot (I do use the standby mode). I thought that perhaps by creating multiple setlists with 20-30 presets was causing it to boot longer so I created a backup, pruned setlists … and the boot time seems to stay about the same.

Mine is taking close to 70 seconds. Not a huge issue. Certainly, less than ideal if your QC locks up during a performance and I would like to see it reduced, but hardly catastrophic. Time for a keyboard solo! Make sure you have an entertaining frontman with jokes. Perfect your mime skills. A couple of windmills and half the folks in a bar crowd won’t notice your guitar isn’t on :grin:

As mentioned, they just did a major upgrade, and they will probably find ways to reduce boot time as they optimize the code in future firmware revisions. Worked that way with the Helix.

It is a good thing that QC users prioritize minimal boot time as an important feature, particularly for live performance. Stability is more paramount though. If the device doesn’t fail or lock up during a performance, then a 70 sec. boot time (hopefully reduced later) is not much of an issue.


Mgorn you are totally unsatisfacted with this unit i see, in a lot of other posts.

I think you have to check alternatives, or not?

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I am engaged in this forum and have sent many bug reports to NDSP to try to better the unit. Selling it wouldn’t really solve anything but just cost me a lot of money, obviously.
I am totally unsatisfied with how NDSP has reacted or rather not reacted to mails and bug reports though. And I think it is important to raise your voice when companies do things that are not ok. Like increasing the boot time by a lot without telling. Like promising a power supply then not delivering on it for years.
Because that’s the only thing a customer can do, especially with a product that is software driven and therefore bound to the companies decisions and actions.

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Good, i agree under constructive pov.
Not only whines but support emails :slight_smile:

Normally in my bug reports i have seen a really reactive team, REALLY.

The important thing Is to mantain good “vibes”
(and i appreciate you explanation)

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