I have all of my presets split to run either to my monitor or my GK800s Fusion head. Playing into the GK I plug into the power amp input, but the volume output of the GK is way to loud for my room. What is the best recommended way to decrease the volume w/o losing headroom tone or sound quality from the QC? Currently I have the ‘Unity Volume’ and set the level to 70-80%, with log selected instead of Linear.
Thank you all for any insights!
There shouldn’t be any change in tone, regardless of where you reduce the volume from your QC, although it may sound like the bottom and top end are reduced, due to the way your ears hear (see Fletcher Munson Curve).
Just keep in mind that the noise floor of your GK head is likely to stay the same so reducing the volume going into it will mean the noise produced by the GK will be proportionally higher (compared to the signal). Some folks believe that reducing the QC’s volume knob setting makes for a noiser signal but I haven’t noticed a difference. I usually run mine at 10:00 while practicing at home and 1:00 or 3:00 at practice or gigs and find my rig reasonably quiet at all settings.
All of that said, experimentation will be the best way to answer your qustion. Try turning down the volume knob, then try reducing the gain of the output feeding your GK (3or4?) from the global screen and see if you notice a noise difference. Hope this helps.
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