Best tablet for QC

Hey all

Gonna have to buy a new Tablet. Any sugestions?

Wonna use it for scors and lead sheets, recording with cubase elements, and later editing QC.


Note there has not been any notifications of tablet editor support as of current but we use Ipad Pro’s for recording and related tasks as both QC/Ipad are core audio compliant and work great together.

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Yes, this I have in mind, bit dislike both apple and no editor.

So if I bought a Samsung Tab I would waste money?


Ok I checked the facts, no Chance to stay anti apple fan.

So what Ipad Pro would you recommand?


I would buy an iPad. Works with OnSong which is probably the most dominant setlist and song management app right now. Also works with a lot of other apps for digital musical devices including UIs for mixers and of course the QC’s ‘Cortex Cloud’ app.

Overpriced and proprietary I know, with so many hardware revisions your new model can be obsolete in short order but still IMO, iOS is generally a better platform for musicians than Android. Might want to find a used one; they tend to be far less expensive than new. Not too old or the battery can be on the way out or they may end-of-life the OS version.

Personally, I would not get the Samsung but either way as @MP_Mod indicated there is no guarantee that either platform will support an editor in the future for the QC. If I had to bet though, it wouldn’t surprise me if the iPad was supported before Android.

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If you are going to use it primarily for scores and lead sheets you might want to consider getting the largest screen you can afford. The larger size tablets can potentially accommodate two pages of music on a screen, or larger text and images (handy if your vision is not great) but are also bulkier to attach to a mic stand or transport, as well as being more expensive.

Thanks guys

But what about recording?
Do I neet a Mac/PC in addition?


You can always use GarageBand on the iPad as well as other available recording apps. I prefer a PC with a DAW but you don’t have to have one to record.

Thanks for your reply.

As I do not own an actual PC, neither a tablet I would prefere to have all in one for the next step.

I thought of running a more professional DAW like cubase. Garrage band semms to be a childrens toy.

I would do live gig recording and also small productions as Singer Songwriter.

So would an older Ipad do the job or must I have the newest?


If you don’t want a toy, get a mac and Logic.

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If you want to use the editor on a tablet, you could get yourself a Microsoft Surface tablet. Since these run Windows like a Windows PC, you can do/use everything with them that you can do/use with a Windows PC.

For scores and leadsheets, you can get away with relatively cheap tablets - entry level Android tablets can run the typical “stage helper” apps like forScore, MobileSheets or MusicReader for digital scores or more lyrics/chords-oriented apps like OnSong, BandHelper, LivePrompter. Such a tablet you can get for around 150-200 EUR; works nicely as a “digital songbook”.

For recording, you’ll have to invest quite a bit more in “throughput horsepower” and in onboard storage. Personally, I would separate these duties - have a cheap tablet as a songbook and a “serious” device (laptop) for recording, mixing, … This laptop could then also do the QC editor duties.

If you want to blend the two, you’d probably be best served with something like the Microsoft Surface - it’s a full Windows PC and as such will run “serious” recording apps and the QC editor, but in a tablet-like form factor with a nice touch screen. But that’s a pretty serious investment; you may get more bang-per-buck mileage out of a combination of a simple tablet and a middle-of-the-road Core i5 laptop.



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Seriously, if you want to do recording and production, you’ll be far better equipped with a laptop type device (Windows or macOS). Recording and producing will

  • require quite a bit of processing power (on a tablet that means serious money)
  • create a lot of data, requiring large and fast storage → on tablets, storage is limited and costs serious money

Running a recording and mixing software on a tablet is OK for building quick musical sketches and capturing ideas, but not for serious stand-alone music production.



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Ok mist is clearing up:

  1. if it had enough oower the Ipad pro would be the best integrated solution. So I checed apple: Ipad pro 12.9 1TB means 2500, but will fullfill my needs.
  2. the surface pro 9 would match the Ipad and take 500€ less. I could stay in the Windows world, but unknown advatages of NDSP/APPLE-Cooperation would get lost.
  3. Android is skipped.
  4. But don‘t want to spend more than 1000€

So have a cheap tablet for scoring and life performance support, and use a PC for recording might meet the budget.



“unknown advatages of NDSP/APPLE-Cooperation”
what do you mean by that? there is no cooperation or any advantage in using NeuralDSP stuff on / with apple devices as far as i know. The only and biggest advantage in using apple hardware for anything music related is that everything regarding audio stuff runs more stable by a lot (drivers, etc.) in my experience - no tinkering and hassle with any ASIO drivers etc. But this applies in general and is not related to Neural’s stuff.

So there is no such advantage.
Means I can stay with windows.

Olaf. This is a forum . You don’t have to sign your posts. It says your username right there above your reply.

There is an advantage if you want to record. Audio is handled differently by MacOS and is way closer to hassle free than Windows.

All the best,

Love and Kisses,

David Ivor St. Hubbins


I would agree that it seems recording is more hassle-free on the Mac platform, I am constantly reading of user complaints from trying to get Windows to cooperate with the QC for recording. Apparently it can be done, but the majority of problems reported seem to involve PC/windows.

I think you can run Logic on iPads now, but I haven’t tried personally. I would worry that an iPad would be less versatile than an actual Macbook or iMac computer.

Logic for ipad is subscription only. There’s no option to buy outright. Also, most VST plugins won’t be compatible.


As a portable solution, I can only recommend the new MacBook Airs: Super light and incredibly long battery life, fanles and more power than most of us will ever need, thanks to the Apple M chips, which are superior to the otherwise common Intel chips by a lot in everything except gaming. I have not regretted the purchase of my MacBook Air M2. Sure, they are more expensive than a random mid-range Windows laptop, but totally worth it imo.