COrtex COntrol for pads/tablets, etc

searched for a similar request, found nothing (DC will correct me if I’m wrong), so:

can iPad/Android tablet use be an eventuality for Cortex Control?
I’ve read that it’s not in the works presently, but maybe in the future?
It’d definitely be appreciated!

I always have an iPad on stage, but I really don’t want to drag a laptop along if I don’t have to. I would normally make all critical settings in advance but something always pops up unexpectedly during shows. An IOS editor would be awesome for making live adjustments. The UI on the unit is great, but it would be nice not to have to bend down to the floor to adjust things on the fly during a performance.


Is this where bluetooth comes in? It just gets better and better!!!


Android support would be very nice indeed. Linux support as well, but I guess the market share is too low on this one.


It would be great if the QC would support connections to Cortex Control via:

  • WIFI (also as standalone, meaning configuring the QC as WIFI Access Point) and
  • MIDI cable (for longer Distances in Live Scenarios)

The scenario I have in mind is putting one or more QCs in a 19" Rack and controlling them by a MIDI Footswitch like this one. I then want to be able to simply iterate through a QC setlist, but without a visual feedback I do not know the scene labels nor footswitch assignments.
With the rack solution I can shorten audio cables (3-4 channel looms) and avoid putting power supplies to each position of a stage. On top my wireless device is a 9,5" unit, that I don’t want to mount on a pedalboard.

A tablet on my Floorboard would be a simple solution for this.


Bluetooth is actually a horrible protocol to use at gigs. It’s too easily susceptible to interference. So in mid to larger size venues, it can often fail. This is a huge flaw with some modeler combo amps like the Fender GTX100, etc… people who gig a lot always run into issues where they can’t connect during a gig or lose connection unexpectedly. Now most people make sure all the presets are set perfectly in their banks and don’t even try to use their iPad during gigs… that being said, a cabled connection would work great, same as connecting it to a laptop, perhaps with a Bluetooth option for home use.

Control of QC via iPad would be a game changer for me! I don’t want to cart my laptop around.
An iPad on a music stand, 1 cable and done. I hope to see an ios app in the future.

In the mean time big thanks to Neural ! Love my QC


+1 for Linux support!!! iOS would also be nice from a backup/wifi perspective because I’ve been at some venues where their wifi networks won’t let me connect my QC to the network since it is an “unrecognized type of device”. I’ve had this happen a few times now.


+1 please. This would be great

Android tablets and phones and the fruit company stuff, too, via wireless would be awesome!!!

This would be awesome. I use my ipad for pretty much all of my needs, but I still have to keep a laptop close by in case I want to use cortex control for anything.


Absolutely it should e done , I use logic on my iPad as a midi controller and this would be a great addition

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A USB connection with the proper cable would do too :wink:

There are USB Type B to USB C cables available everywhere. What else do you need?

If you can control/program a device from a WIFI PC, there’s no reason to not be able to build the same WIFI control in an app for Android and Apple/IOS.

There is no reason to not be able to in theory, but there is a reason to not provide different applications for different platforms: It is a huge amount of (continuous) work that is needed to build and maintain different apps for different platforms and different screen ratios.

From a marketshare perspective, there are LOTS of reasons to support Android over Windows or MacOS.