Backup and restore


  1. You download from the Neural cloud a stared preset.
    In this preset are captures from other users.
    When you backup your device, is that preset with the captures being backed up
    along with the stock ones?

  2. If not, when you do a restore (not a factory one) of your last saved backup, are
    those captures from #1 overridden during the restore?

  3. When you do an upgrade are those captures removed from your hard drive during
    the upgrade process?

Thanks for the input!

Yes, when you backup to the cloud you are backing up the entire device with all settings and you won’t lose anything after updating the firmware. When you restore from backup, you are restoring the entire device. Once you download a preset and or capture, it is yours until you delete it. If you delete the preset and or capture for any reason and the original preset and or capture is no longer available, you will lose that preset and or capture.