Day-one buy if it ever came out. I would kill for some of those amazing Tool tones.
Let’s make it happen, @Doug - you caught a wild Petrucci, I’m sure capturing an Adam Jones in your NDSP Pokeball can’t be much harder
Day-one buy if it ever came out. I would kill for some of those amazing Tool tones.
Let’s make it happen, @Doug - you caught a wild Petrucci, I’m sure capturing an Adam Jones in your NDSP Pokeball can’t be much harder
If they update Nameless with the same time-based effects as they did with Fortin Cali, you’ll be very close. Nameless is capable of producing convincing AJ tones (assuming you’re using the proper pickups—I have a Seymour Duncan JB in the bridge).
Putting a volume pedal and flanger in front of the plug-in would complete the rig. I know it’s not ideal, but if you have Nameless and Petrucci, you could daisy-chain them in a DAW, turning off whatever modules you aren’t using in each to preserve CPU.
Haha nah, I’m too lazy for that. With the Petrucci, I just open the app and it’s ready to rock. I don’t want to have to open Logic and then two plugins (and all the latency that would create). Besides; I think an Adam Jones plugin would have cool Alex Gray-inspired aesthetics
I’ll have to give the Nameless a try; I think that’s the one plugin I haven’t tried yet. Thanks!
Oh man, can you imagine how cool it would look with an Alex Grey-inspired interface and silverburst touches? Yeah, I’d probably buy the plug-in just to look at it.
Frankly, a good percentage of why I like NDSP plugins is the aesthetics. The JP is super cool and futuristic (his whole NOMAC nonsense lol) and the Plini is clean and chill with a bit of an old-school vibe. It definitely adds to the inspiration and joy of using them.