Anyone in here using an FAMC Liquid Foot controller (old tech I know) with the QC?

Originally, I loved the size of my QC but now it’s becoming increasingly difficult to use BECAUSE of its size. Yes, I’m the guy who keeps harping on NDSP to FIX the lack of midi control for precisely this reason. I searched around for a high-end foot controller to make up for the QC’s lack of control and stumbled on the LF12+ thinking I might be able to set some kind of flag for the on/off states of the devices on the grid. So far, no luck. My hope is that there’s someone who’s had some experience with the LF and can save me some time!

I was an early adopter of the FAMC boards and used several until 2021.

What exactly are you trying to do? It seems to me that you might be looking for the kind of integration that came in later releases of the LF+ firmware and editor that allowed the pedal to show all of the names (presets and buttons) known to the processor (Fractal and Kemper were supported).

Hey, thanks for responding.
I’m trying to get around the QC’s lack of midi control. Specifically, I want to keep track of the on/off state of the blocks I have on the grid. The QC doesn’t have an on/off midi data bit for individual blocks so I’m hoping to set some kind of flag on the LF that will stay in lock-step with the blocks state. I know the LC has a “state” that can be checked w/an “if” statement but I don’t see that there’s a way to set the “state” directly. I’m not sure ultimately if I’m just making a lot of extra work for myself by programming evert single step. I’m hoping there might be an easier way?? Thanks again!

There’s no message from the QC when a block changes state; so no way to reflect QC changes on the LF+.

Am I understanding your intent? An example might help: what do you expect to happen?

Hey, yes…unfortunately the QC is dumb in many midi respects. I need to keep my options open while I’m playing so on my current setup I do a lot of switching via midi from stomp to scene and back. I have the LF-12+ so I’ve set it up with 8 scenes on the lower 8 switches and individual stomps on the top 4. When I (switching to stomps) turn on 1 of the effects in the top row and leave it on, it flip-flops that effects state when (switching to scene mode) I select any scene.
So, I’m looking for a way to set the state (on the LF) so I can test it (and toggle if needed) when switching to the scenes. Hope this makes sense? All this to work around forgotten bits of data :crazy_face:.

I’m not sure… There’s nothing in the exposed LF+ command set that would make it easy to track state, aside from what’s necessary for operation (e.g. the state of IA toggle).

I believe that a lot of the more advanced behaviors were only programmed through the editor.

Got it, thanks, that’s kinda what I thought. I am using the editor which makes things MUCH easier I’m sure! I’ll keep digging…maybe I can figure out a way to keep track of the state. Thanks again for your help!