Adaptive Gate Bug

CorOS Version: 2.3.1

Describe your issue:
When I put and adaptive gate, I get no sound at all.

Steps to reproduce your issue:

  1. New preset
  2. I add Brit 2203
  3. I add Brit 412 v30
  4. I add Para EQ 3 bands and use one for high pass and one for low pass.
  5. I add and Adaptive Gate.

I expected this to happen:
I expected it to… work… as expected, but no sound at all.

I have tried the following things:

  • several times trying the same.
  • I delete the Gate and turn off the EQ. Then it sounds. But when connecting the EQ, no sound again.
  • In other attempts, after deleting the Gate, the High Pass band magically appears in the higher frequency area and with the lowest level.


It was very strange. Same thing when I tried to add an OD block.

But after a pair of power on and off, it didn’t happen again.

Men, I love this device. It’s beautiful and sounds very good.

You’re on CorOS 3?

Sorry. Firmware 2.3.1.

Why do you need 2 EQs for this? You can do it with just one, or even better with the Low-High Cut block.
Is it possible that you confused Low/High Pass with Low/High Cut and thereby pulled down the entire frequency band? I can’t think of any other reason right now.

No, just one EQ (parametric 3 bands). I wanted to say I used one “band” for high pass and one “band” for low pass.

No problem with the understanding of how the EQs work. And the graphic representation of the EQ helps to do things right.

I don’t understand what was going on. After a pair of reboots it didn’t happen again.

As I said, after deleting the EQ and having the preset working properly, it happened again but with an OD block. So maybe it was just some kind of momentary bug. It just stopped happening.

Thank you!