I play electric (mostly classic rock) and we have one or two songs which would need an acoustic guitar, but I’m too lazy to bring one just for those.
Does anyone of you have experience how to get a reasonable acoustic guitar sound with an electric?
On Helix, there was a acoustic sim pedal, but it was not very impressive.
On the QC, I currently simply use a clean amp, but I guess there must be a way to get closer to an acoustic guitar sound with IRs or captures?
Thats my approacht to this problem. Tried some captures, but the problem with them are, that they are allway one state of of the captured pedal. You can’t realy fiddle around with the parameters of them. So I endet up with a hotone omnic ac in the FX loop :-). Sound realy nice.
put the IR on BOTH sides in the cab block, if that’s still too low, crank their levels. Or you could increase the output level at the Output block stage. Tons of ways to do it, but for me loading the IR on both sides usually is sufficient
I don’t have the QC readily available at the moment, but I’m pretty sure I ran into a factory preset that had “12 string” or something to that effect in the title. I believe it used the Octavier block with the octave setting turned up and the sub setting all the way down. Obviously meant to emulate a 12 string guitar but it sounded very acoustic guitar to me, from what I remember.
Yes, but then I can’t fiddel around with the settings of the Hotone anymore. Someday, when I’ve found all the perfect tone I sure will go that way :-).