My QC is quite a bit slower then before I updated it to CoreOS 3.0.0. and received my Gojira plugin gif on the unit. Did anybody try if deleting the plugin(s) makes the unit faster? Not just starting up but making backups, changing your presets, specifically copy/pasting is quite a bit slower then before. It’s not a drama of course but just wondering.
And can you reinstall the plugin after you deleted it? If so I’ll just try it out.
There’s no uninstalling the plugin haha. They’re definitely just on the unit regardless of whether it’s unlocked or not. Probably runs slower because of how much they added/adjusted for cor os 3. They’ll probably optimize it further in the newer updates.
Interesting. I wonder about the legality of that, pushing components on a physical device that you own, that are not needed to operate the device but add functionality if you pay for it.
I believe the law would look at the EULA you signed when installing CoreOS3, which included all of the currently compatible plugins. Your plugin license enables your ability to access them on the QC but they were all included in the 3.0 update. I may be mistaken, but that’s what the current software release cadence is pointing to.
They shouldn’t be affecting the speed of the unit at all unless you use the blocks - and even then it should be imperceptible, since the max latency is probably around 3 or 4ms, even with a full grid. It’s possible something in 3.0.0 made it run slower, but it’s doubtful that it’s blocks causing that if they’re not on the grid.
I guess you’re right. Anyway, it’s an interesting new business model for sure. And well, it’s their i.p. and software. Just hope they manage to speed up the device a bit
CorOS 3.0 was a MASSIVE update. Saying “My QC should run faster because I’m not using the plug-ins on it” doesn’t address all of the stuff that changed.
Agreed and often the releases after a major update address optimization and speed so it’s very likely to happen.
It’s not a new business model by any stretch though. Software has been distributed like this for ages now. Think of free apps you get as a trial that you then pay for and unlock additional features. You just have to enter the code or license the upgrade got you to unlock the features instead of downloading or installing anything new. A single code base is a lot simpler to maintain.
Free apps as a trial are usually installed by the user, this is something different as the user has no control over it. I guess, as a FOSS person, I have to adjust
I don’t think audio latency has anything to do with unit operational performance. These are different things, handled by different components. Copy/pasting vs signal processing.