Volume Perception with Splitter

I did a test yesterday and confirmed my perception I had on a gig…

When I have a preset with a splitter and have a block on Row 2, for instance, my volume perception is that the overall volume is “weaker” than my preset using just Row 1 blocks.

I use Outs 1/2 and I use the QC in stereo. My splitter mode is “Balance”.

Maybe this is normal behavior, I just want a tip on how to mitigate this.

For instance: I have a preset with two delays after the cab block. One Delay is on Row 1 and the other on Row 2. With the splitter is hard to ear the delay repeats… if I delete Row 2 then I ear it perfectly balanced.

Any tips on how I should do it? Many thanks in advance!

you are probably having a phase issue, try changing the phase switch in the mixer


I found that the balance mode weakens both lanes a bit. I guess the idea behind it is that the sum of both lanes should equal the volume of one. However, this does not always work. That’s why I never use the balance mode but rather go for A/B. That way both lanes are at full volume, so you might have to turn it down a little, but you can adjust them easily.



100% this!!! Another option, try an empty ir block at the beginning of your second pathway. strum a single note while changing the “delay”. Promise, you’ll hear a difference starting around 2.9 ms. (This was prev. posted by one of our many wizards on this awesome forum - definitely not me)