Would be great to have a vocoder effect for vocals
Wouldn’t some guitar pedals create that effect? Like a ring modulator, for instance?
Agreed - or a talkbox type effect
Digitech have something similar I think?
I think the whole point is to have everything you need for your guitar in this one box.
A vocoder is a quite different animal than a ring mod or talkbox, though.
A talkbox effect would be great
Ring modulator is the effect I want added the most.
Yea absolutely a vocoder/talkbox on QC would be game changing. I’m still hanging onto my Boss VO-1 vocoder pedal. It takes both guitar and mic input - mic input “shapes, textures, colours etc.” the tone. Sorry I don’t know how to explain this well…
Yes, I would like to see a vocoder in style of Boss VO-1 to be implemented too.
I think it will eventually come at the same time that the synth block that it can’t come soon enough (for me at least).