Two presets to a scene mode ( new with QC..)

Hello , Sorry if this is a stupid question…

The way to play live is to use Scene or stomp mode , OK .Switching between preset live playing ,is not possible . There is a gap. OK.

But If I download two goood preset ( like a clean one and a solo sound) , is there a solution to "merge " the two sound on a a single scene ?

Thanks a lot for any help

you would have to actually merge the two presets- create a preset with all the elements of both; that’s the only way to have the scenes you want in the same preset. There’s no automatic way to do this, you’d have to build the preset manually to include and combine all the blocks included in the 2 presets you like

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Thanks a lot


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“I am new to QC and am also looking for a way to either merge presets or combine scenes from two different presets. I found two presets I like with multiple scenes in each and I would like to combine them, I wish there were an easier way to do so.”

You can copy and paste blocks from one preset into another if that might help you.

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Thanks Blue, it would be nice if we could copy an entire line of blocks or all of the blocks in a preset and paste them to a new preset instead of 1 by 1. I’m just being lazy as the end result is the same. I feel once I get 2 or 3 rigs set up that will be all I need for a playlist of 40 songs or so.

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You can save a preset to another slot and give it a new name so you don’t have to do it a block at a time if that’s what you need. There’s a save as feature that you would use for that.

You can copy and paste an entire row with Cortex Control

How can i copy the row?

Use the Key combo shortcuts in the graphic below to select multiple items, then copy and paste into new preset. They will occupy the same location from the previous preset, that’s not adjustable.


:+1: got it. Senks for your support !

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I don’t normally hook my computer up but I might do it enough to get some presets where i want them. I am basically trying to combine parts of 2 presets into one so copying a line from one into the other is exactly what I am looking for. Thanks!