Hi everyone, I would like your opinion because I don’t know if what I hear is a normal behavior of the Quad Cortex or if it is related to a problem. As you can hear from the attached audio file, when the guitar sound naturally decreases or fades out during the release of a chord (in the attached file it is quite clear what I mean), an annoying hiss/digital distortion noise appears (I don’t know how to define it better). I tried changing the cable, resetting the unit, I checked that the inputs and outputs were correctly set and that they did not clip, I used various factory presets, modified factory presets and very basic presets created by me, activated and deactivated the noise gate, but the noise was always there in all these cases.
In the attached audio file you can hear:
Sound 1 - Factory Preset 1A without any modifications.
Sound 2 - Factory Preset 1H modified with gain at 8.0.
Sound 3 - Preset with EVHIII Red amp, factory settings.
Sound 4 - Preset with Freedman amp and overdrive.
I attach some photos with the various presets and one with the input settings.
This unwanted noise can be heard clearly in all the sounds, in some you have to turn up the volume a bit to hear it more clearly, in others it is much more evident. Sound 4 is the one in which the noise is most emphasized, you can hear quite clearly how it fades out and then disappears and stops. It seems like a sort of annoying digital distortion that is triggered when the sound of the guitar begins to fade out. But, as I said, by turning up the volume you can notice how it is present in all the sounds. Even trying with much less distorted and more crunchy sounds, that strange digital noise persists when the sound goes down, in this case, of course, it has a much lower volume and is less perceptible.
Here the link to all the files:
Thanks for your valuable answers and for your possible advice.
PS. The unity has the latest software upgrade CorOs 3.0.1