I’m going to do some more investigative work, but I thought I would see if anyone else has had this issue since updating.
Never had this problem before. Have a Lightspeed in Loop 2 and a Benson Preamp in Loop 1.
Tonight at rehearsal, if I started with Loop 1 engaged, it would be full volume. But, when I would go to the next scene where it was disengaged and then go back to previous… it was about half the volume.
I went for a lead line and it felt like there was nothing there. I’m going to have to use some other kind of internal drive or boost on Sunday. Can’t have that happen in the middle of a service.
I’m sure you’d be forgiven, but-
Would be good to reach out to support in case it’s a bug they need to know about or maybe have a fix to suggest.
I think I’ve seen a few folks experiencing some FX Loop issues, but I haven’t personally. I’m using a Meris LVX in stereo with both loops and it was functioning normally when I checked this morning