Stock captures: list of amp settings?

Dear Quad Cortexers,

For most stock captures, there are several captures with different amp settings.
Do you know what the logic behind the capture numbering is?
It’s obvious that, let’s say “Amped SV 1” has less gain than “Amped SV 4”, but is it only different gain levels? Or are other amp settings changed as well?
Is there even a list of amp settings for the different captures that i might have missed?

I believe it is only gain settings that change and currently there is no list of amp settings used.

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Will there be an updated list of what the difference captures actually are? For example the Victory Kracken Captures has 8 or 9 parts. It makes sense they go from clean to modern given it is a three channel amp. But I don’t really know what switches were engaged or not. It somewhat makes sense are you pan through the presets but an inventory of these variations would be great.

There is no plan to provide the settings as of current unfortunately.

Sure understood. Be a nice to have so there wouldn’t be guess involved.

I agree! if not already added, I would suggest adding a feature request for the settings to be provided.