Ring Modulator and Bitcrusher

I know that these two effects are huge in popularity, but I love these types of effects (particularly these two) and use them regularly.

The Ring Mod could be as simple as Mix & Frequency. A LFO and rate control would be nice too, but not as necessary. The Bitcrusher could be part of this same effect with a mix and amount of its own.

I thought I’d start a feature request in case others were interested too. Thanks.

Hello Neural,

I am wanting to know if there are any plans in development for a Ring Modulator on the QC? It’s the one effect I’m missing the most. Thanks.



Just giving this a bump for new forumites that might appreciate a great ring modulator and bit crusher. I know it isn’t for everyone, but is a great tool for the studio.


I think a ring mod is definitely due, but if it ends up coming to qc it should have pitch and envelope tracking options like on the axe fx or in melda’s mringmodulatormb plugin. It adds for way more versatility than just a static tone that you set the frequency knob to.


I’ve been asking for a ring modulator for awhile. I hope it happens. This one has 9 votes and the more we can get, the better. :slight_smile:


Add a filter section for these blocks. Lowpass, highpass, bandpass. Most definitely at least lowpass for taming the nasty high end that can happen with these types of effects, especially bit crushing.

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I agree, i was thinking the other day should i get an Ottobit or hold out and hope that the QC gets something similar. I think the filter would be the thing that makes it although i do love the stutter feature on the Ottobit

Bumping for good measure.

Just bumping once again. Please vote for this if you would like a Ring Modulator on the QC. It’s really the last effect I’m wanting. Pretty please.

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I would like to see a ringmod in style of EHX Ring Thing to be implemented.


I’m honestly shocked that this still isn’t included


Bump for good measure.

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  • another bump. This one is needed badly.
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Bumping again. Would love these.


Aaaaand a slicer like the Boss sl-2!
For the creativity boost!

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I ended up putting a ring mod on my pedalboard. If this ever gets implemented, I can take it off.

Bump, just in case.


bumping in solidarity

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Bumping again in solidarity.

Really longing for a ring mod in particular.

Hopefully with PCOM out now and the other X plugins dripping out the team will have some extra capacity to start building these features into QC.

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Thanks, brother. Ring Mod is my jam for sure.