
Hi there guys, just wondering if there’s anything in the works to kind of rival the FM9/ axe fx modulators. By this I mean the pro and envelope actions that are available to create lots of automated movement. If anything like this is in the works it might convince me not to swap over.

Theres a feature request for them, but beyond that I don’t think we’ve heard anything.
Worth sticking a vote on though:

Modulation announced so far are a Tremolo/Panner and a 8 Voice Chorus but i don’t know if it will comes with what you are asking for.

That does not exist on QC atm. No official plans for it coming out in the near future either

No, he’s talking about global effects assignable to specific parameters; like an LFO that you can assign to the Chorus’s depth or whatever. But yeah, I think it’s going to many years - if ever - before something like this is implemented on the QC…

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I still really want to see this happen. In the meantime, though, I’ve got an Empress Zoia on my board for customized effects.

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Ok, i don’t know much about modulation effects so i thought it might be comming with those 2 effects that are coming.