Quick mute for output blocks with double-tap

It would be convenient if output blocks could be muted by double-tapping them.

Currently, all blocks within the grid can be quickly switched to bypass state by double-tapping (and the mute/bypass options allow for muting as well), But this is not possible with Output Blocks.

Applying the same UX to output blocks would enable users to quickly mute specific Rows when wanting to temporarily silence them.

This feature would be particularly helpful in scenarios where multiple Rows are outputting, allowing for testing of the sound with certain Rows muted.

That would be really helpful!


I was just coming here to write up this exact request. I very often want to mute a channel quickly. One example, when I’m using a looper, I always want to mute my mic when looping other parts so that it doesn’t sound muddy, and or feedback.
I feel like a double click of the output block would integrate seamlessly, and just make sense with the rest of the user interface.

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