Question about the pitch shifter

Hi, I need some clarification regarding the pitch shifter. What the pitch fine option really does ? And also how to compensate the lack of dynamic when using the shifter, I feel like the lower I go the more the shifter eats my tone

“fine” allows you to specify the amount of pitch shift in cents, small percentages instead of half- or whole-steps. This can be really useful for widening your tone and creating a sort of chorus sound if you run 2 shifters in parallel and fine tune one + and the other -

So far, the tone suck is just the nature of the beast. Hopefully we’ll get some polyphonic shifters that can process with less artifacts or impact on the tone. You could try an EQ before the PS if there are particular frequencies causing you trouble. I always carve out some high-end, that’s where it tends to sound most artificial

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