QUANTIZE control in Minivoicery
I wanted to ask about the exact function of this controller. If I compare QUANTIZE ON and QUANTIZE OFF I hear a difference (I think a third) but I’m not sure. Can someone define exactly what the difference is?
Ovládač QUANTIZE v Minivoicery
Chcel som sa spýtať na presnú funkciu tohto ovládača. Ak keď porovnám QUANTIZE ON a QUANTIZE OFF počujem tam rozdiel (myslím na tercii) ale nie som si istý. vie mi niekto presne zadefinovať aký je v tom rozdiel?
Without quantize, the Minivoicer would respond with a harmony that matches your guitar’s pitch–if the note you play is off by a few cents, the harmony will be off by the same amount.
With quantize, the Minivoicer would respond with a forced “correct” harmony, even if the note you play is off by a few cents.
I’m not at my QC at the moment, but you should be able to test this by turning Quantize on and then bending a note. You may hear the Quantize function forcing the harmonized notes to “jump” from one to the next.
Both Quantize on and off are useful in the right context. If you’re playing leads with string bends, though, you mostly likely want it off.
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