Quad cortex with active pickups problems

Hopefully somebody could help me with this, Ive just put egg zakk wylde pickups in one of my guitars and plugged into the QC, battery is full charged

my problems

  • on high gain amps everything sounds like a clean amp until I put a compressor on it then it turns into a fuzzy nightmare
  • now matter what I change the tuner does not work at all

hopefully somebody with some magically advice could please help to fix this

Isolate the QC and your guitar from each other, then:

Does your guitar sound or behave normally without the Quad Cortex (into any other amplifier, etc.)?

Does your QC behave normally (including the tuner function) when you have a different guitar plugged into it?

I think ive solved it, i just changed the cables over on the tone pots on the emgs and seems to have fixed the issue