Hey Guys, I wanted some help in understanding the Send - Return in the Quad Cortex.
disclaimer I’m new here so please excuse my question if its really silly
I’m using a few Strymon pedals (timeline, bigsky & mobius) and want to run them stereo out of the Quad Cortex. Based on other posts that I’ve here I figured the best way for stereo out would be to take Send 1 and Send 2 and run it through each pedal finally having the last pedal’s (mobius) stereo out returning to the Return 1 and Return 2 of the QC.
However, I also wanted to add the “Electro-Harmonix POG2”. Since this pedal has a mono out I’m not sure if I can add it to the loop of pedals. Also, since I have used up all the fx outs I’m not sure how and where to add it to the mix of pedals without affecting the stereo out from all the other pedals.
Where in your signal chain do you want to add the POG2? I’m assuming you want that before the Strymon pedals… There might be some clever routing you could do using some of the other I/O jacks.
For BigSky, Mobius, NightSky, TimeLine, and Volante: Connect a mono TS instrument cable into the LEFT INPUT and both LEFT and RIGHT OUTPUTS for stereo output. On the TimeLine and Mobius ONLY , make sure that the switch on the back of the pedal is set to STEREO IN/OUT.
Row 1 – all mono
Guitar into QC Input 1 → amp/drive/cab blocks → QC Output 3* → POG2 input
Row 3
POG output into QC Input 2 → FX Loop 1/2 [this is the point where you split the mono signal into stereo with dual cable routing to the Strymons] → QC Output 1 & 2
*You may have to adjust the signal level of the QC output to play nice with POG2 input.