Quad cortex cloud issues

Is anyone having issue downloading cloud captures? I’m on the current software. I used to do it all the time. Idk if I’m doing something wrong because it changed or if there’s a problem. I did write to support. Waiting in the meantime for someone to reply. Thx.

It’s working for me currently on the East Coast U.S.

What part isn’t working for you? Are you using the app or a browser?
Can you not open the Cloud at all?
Does it mark for DL but doesn’t make it to your machine?
Is Mac OS Sonoma involved? USB?
Help us narrow it down with some specifics

I’m using the app. I’m doing it the same way as always. It worked the other day. I’m thinking maybe it’s the wifi. I wrote support and they asked for pics. So we’ll see what happens. I appreciate anyone who answers. I’ll let you all know in case ur interested. Thank you

Hi Dan, east coast of the UK I’m on the east coast of the U.S. I wrote support so we’ll see. It’s always worked maybe it’s our wifi. That’s what I’m hoping. Thx for replying I appreciate it.

I have an issue accessing corded cloud via corded cloud application on iPhone. I am not new to the cloud and had fun downloading several presets. But couple of days only initial screen (white neural logo with black background)appears and stops. I use iOS 17.4.1. When I use the application from iPad, logon prompt appears and requested password. But I forgot it and request to send email, but the mail is not sent to me. Any idea?

Check your junk/SPAM folders. Worst case email support@neuraldsp.com and they will get you sorted.

I will do so. Thank you!