Quad Cortex Auto Wah

Anyone got any idea when Neural will add an auto wah to the quad cortex?

No word from Neural on this. Auto wah has been brought up a few times in the forum but hasn’t gained much attention.

Here’s an existing request for assignable LFO, gate, and envelope follower controls. If Neural could implement this, you would be able to assign an envelope follower to a wah block and create your auto wah that way.

In the meantime, try the “Foog” filter block, which is based on the Moogerfooger MF-101 Low Pass Filter. This block does have an envelope control in it.

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Playing mostly blues and blues/rock I don’t use much. But did play in a Grateful Dead band recently and still like to play some of their stuff. Now THERE it gets used and surprised not covered in the QC. Adding my vote.

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When Corey Wong’s plugin gets included in the corOS, you get autowah, right? So hopefully not very long :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


There’s a MuTron model in the “filters” section. If you use the side chain version and chain it to your input you can achieve what Jerry did with his OBEL without the extra cabling, ie place other effects before it but control the envelope with your pick dynamics.

Wow, how do you do that in qc? I’m a tech zombie.

There are 2 Auto wha announced by Neural for the QC so far, one is based on the Mu-Tron but for the question of the when, idk.

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