Preset changes taking longer than acceptable

Hi guys, I have purchased the Rabea, Tone King and Mesa Boogie plugins and on my Mac Mini and Mackbook Pro all have a noticeable delay in times it takes to process the change rendering them unacceptable for live performance (for me).

I was expecting to have the delays and reverb trails hang on until the next preset is fired up but I don’t get this. I understand that it may take a short while for the signal to be set and preset to be loaded but it is a change of that small bit of silence that is a problem.

Both my Mac Mini and Macbook Pro have the M1 chip and 16GB ram and 1 TB SSD on board.

Please can you advise me the best way to make this change un-noticeable? I may have just missed something hence the reason I’m asking.

Many thanks for your reply

Depending on the audio interface you are using, you would start with adjusting sample size etc., until you are happy with the latency. There are multiple variables to consider but start with that and determine if it makes a difference. Worst case, always feel free to email and they will get you sorted quickly.

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Thanks for your reply, Support have messaged me to confirm that the preset times will always have that split second pause when changing presets regardless of the audio interface or sample rate. I have managed to get around this by using MainStage or Gig Performer which pre-loads the presets ready with instant changes without that split second load delay.

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