Possibility of setting impulses in the reverb

I would really like to have a function of the ability to implement third-party user impulses into the reverb block. So that one reverb for impulses is programmed in the system. I have such a function in my Strymon Blue Sky MX .

I think there’s already a request for that:

Thank you very much, but this is not at all what I suggested

Can you elaborate on how your request is different?

To me they both read like “Please add a convolution reverb block that can load custom IRs”.
But maybe I’m missing something here.

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That’s also what i understood.

yes, that’s exactly what I wanted. a separate reverb in the reverb folder that would work on user impulses

In that case I also found yet another feature request with more votes.

Maybe it’s better to gather the votes there and comment that it should be able to load custom IRs.

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very good device for reverb. I don’t mind, but this post is more than a year old and mine is two days old. Let’s see how many users in a year will support my request. Both ideas are very good and useful :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Convolution reverb