Placback from ipad through QC

Im having a hard time figuring out how to use playback from ipad through the QC.
I have a usb B - Usb C cable, and run monitors through out TRS 3/4. But i can not for the love of god get audio through… What am i doing wrong?
I´ve also tried routing through the AUM app on IOS with no luck…

Do i have to buy new cables for my monitors and use out 1/2?

how are you routing the audio INPUT on the QC? Where is the signal from the iPad entering the grid? Have you changed the Input block to the corresponding USB input channel?

Ive tried using a path from usb input 5/6 and routing ipad trough output 3/4 where my monitors are connected through the AUM app
Or, do i need an actual inputblock on the grid?

I haven’t used it with an iPad, but I’d assume you need to set an Input Block just like you would with an instrument.
Not sure which one, it should probably match whatever USB output channels the pad sends audio from. You can try toggling thru the USB channel options on the Input block of the grid and see which one works.

You should literally be able to plug an iphone, ipad or anything core compliant and run audio sourced from the device to QC via USB audio. I do this for backing tracks and related and it usually just works by default. Do you hear audio when using headphones? If not, I would start there as the rest is just routing on the QC. Use the pull-down I/O screen to ensure you are seeing signal coming to the QC via USB audio etc.

What outputs are you using for monitoring? 1/2 or 3/4? I have a feeling that the qc cant route my audio through output 3/4… i may have to try with xlr output 1/2… i have a visual signal on the dropdown menu, so sound is going into the QC, just not out

You can use whichever output you want. I used to use OUT3/4 then migrated to using OUT1/2 and use 3/4 for other monitoring.

So what you are saying is that it should automatically play from ipad through QC to speakers without routing anything.
Im normally using spotify for rehearsal, and the idea is to just play my bands songs from there and jam over it with my preset. As far as i can read from the manual, this should not be a problem and there should not be a need for a input block on the grid or anything? My presets normally usese multi out.

Or am i thinking wrong, and i need to add a path or inputblock on the grid from USB in and out 3/4?

I have visual confirmation that USB in receives signal from the ipad, but im not getting sound out from the ipad.
Maybe i have to try to use garageband and define what output i want the sound from if that is an option in garageband?

Check your USB settings on the QC, you may need to adjust according to your setup. Try toggling through each routing option and see which works best for you. Unless you are playing with a backing track and or recording etc, preset routing wouldn’t matter in that case if you are just listening to audio via the QC. Worse case, email and they can walk you through what needs to change,

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