Parallax Preset Thread

Hey everyone! Here’s the thread where you share your presets for the Parallax!

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Has anyone created a good Cliff Burton sound at all they could share?

Bunch of tones I’ve been using cos this thread is kinda dead

Riffage.xml (1.9 KB) Riffz.xml (1.9 KB) TonE 2.xml (1.9 KB) TonE 3.xml (1.9 KB) TonE.xml (1.9 KB)


skizyum.xml (2.0 KB)

My best attempt at Tool’s Schism bass tone.

This tone is working well for me for punk stuff… Fugazi, Pennywise and such.

FUgaZ-1.xml (1.9 KB)

Hi guys! I made 15 presets to Parallax that i’ve been using for both situations recording and live sessions!

Here is a example of me using one of the presets:

Cool tones…i appreciate them all…any idea where to go for a good clean jazz tone or a good slap tone? Ive got enough metal distortion ones for a lifetime…yours are all pretty clean. Great Job!!!

Awesome tone so refreshing after all these ultra distorted ones especially since most of the artists tones on Parallex suck… any clues about a good slap tone.?

Have you created other Tool / Justin Chancellor presets?