Official request: ADSR block

I already posted how I obtain a kind-of auto swell effect using the new new Utility Gate FX…
It’s definitely a poor solution, as the gate behaviour cuts prematurely the longer tones…
I had to switch back to my old Kemper, that has a proper ADSR filter block, to obtain the modern violin-like tone that jazz guitarists use now (kudos to Kurt Rosenwinkel, first one to use that, when switched from his semi-hollow to a solid body guitar)
I really hope that sooner or later such effect will appear also in the QC list.

I want to enthusiastically second this feature request. I currently have to carry a POG 2 just for this one effect (I don’t use all the pitch shifting features in it). Since the violin like effect is becoming more and more popular I really feel it would be greatly appreciated by many users and it’s certainly well within the Quad Cortex processing power. So to Neural developers_Please add this asap! … or, if you are a power user who has figured out a way to achieve this in a more effective way that Edel described with utility gate, please post your solution…it would be greatly appreciated!


Following up on the feature request -
Is there any update to this feature? I believe that implementing an ADSR block inspired by the Electro-Harmonix Pico Attack and POG2 pedals would be a valuable addition to the Quad Cortex ecosystem. Hope the good folks at NDSP respond here to clarify this.

The request below has been kicking around in this forum for a while. If LFO / gate / envelope functions don’t get implemented in the QC, my guess is that there’s no way that ADSR would get added either. Here’s to hoping that all of them get added to QC.

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