As you can see, there should be plenty of room for more blocks in row 1, 2 and 4. Yet, I can’t put any block anywhere. The pitch-block in row 1 is already not possible anymore.
I would recommend that you utilize all cores and distribute your preset(s) with heavy CPU blocks among all rows etc.
Yeah, but row 1 and 2 are barely used at all yet I can’t put another block in row 1 or 2. That’s not normal.
Row 3 is full and running heavy CPU blocks (ie. time based effects). The CPU usage below is a bit misleading as it shows total usage. Once you utilize all rows, you will distribute your CPU load across all DSP cores.
But row 3 doesn’t use core 1 and 2. And those two are not under heavy use at all. So why can’t I use them?
can you upload this preset to the Cloud so we can dig in and see what’s up under the hood? There’s not much more we can offer based on the picture- those amps are obviously sucking up a LOT of power, but we might be able to rearrange things a little more efficiently. Pitch-shifters are also very DSP-hungry
I appreciate the offer. But I am not seeking help here. I have been making a lot of presets myself and tried out even more. I also checked the diagnosis of the cores and it proves my point. Also I have been using this preset for quite some time now, and with the exact same blocks + more in the past.
This clearly is a bug which I wanted to report. That’s all.
Perhaps that Cortex Control is miscalculating the DSP load ? Did you try to add a block via the QC directly ?
(In CoCo 1.1 , I had a ‘not enough dsp’ message a couple of times, even with very simple presets - but ALL the blocks in ALL the categories were greyed out , whereas in your case it seems to be more specific to certain kind of blocks, but perhaps the problem has the same underlying source ?)
I tried to reproduce this from the info in your screenshot and tried to use blocks with equal or higher DSP load.
No problem here. I’m at 54% CPU and can still add more blocks to the first, second or fourth row.
Maybe you’ve found some special constellation leading to a bug. But without enough information to reproduce it, the devs will probably have a hard time fixing it.
Yes, you are right. Cortex Control just doesn’t work anymore at all. Can’t add any blocks anywhere now. On the QC itself no problem.
Can you submit a bug report to ?
It did not had to opportunity to do so ! and since you have a screenshot showing to problem, they could investigate more easily.
Isn’t this thread a bug report?
Yes, but from my experience I submitted a ‘Bug Report’ here for a bug in Cortex Control back in November 2023 , but the bug is still present in CoCo 1.1 released 31th July.
Last week I emailed support to ask if my request has been taken into account , and only after several mails the support told me that the dev team in now aware of this bug and it will be fixed ‘soon’ …
The Unity forum itself is mainly for users to interact and discuss issues, likes and related. If you need NDSP support and assume you have a bug, the best course of action is to email so that they can log your issue(s) and hopefully provide resolution.
If actually no one of NDSP is looking into the stuff posted in here, the “Bug Reports” and “Feature Request” categories should be deleted to be honest (not selectable for the creation of new posts / threads)… There presence gives the impression, that NDSP gets and uses the information posted with those flags (like its the case in other software related bug tracking ‘forums’)
So this is the official NDSP forum, yet NDSP doesn’t monitor bug reports and feature requests? What does that remind me of again…
@mgorn Don’t believe everything that is posted online NDSP does monitor and has implemented feature requests based on priority in the past. Also if a bug is wide spread, NDSP has been known to interact. One off issues like yours are always better served following the support process for faster resolution. Also, this is one of the official forums, there is Facebook and Discord forums as well etc.
it’s not that they don’t read it or take the votes into account, it’s that they don’t respond here (often).
Looking back over the resolved feature requests shows that they do monitor and implement the most popular ones where possible.
Just don’t expect lengthy chats or responses here. They post the Dev updates, and that’s about it.
You need to email Support directly if you require a conversation with an official rep
Certainly believing everything that you read would be dumb. However, looking through the bug reports and feature requests paints a very grimm picture. Many bug reports are being shut down, which I don’t get, if the purpose of this forum is to share experience with other users.
And the top 10 feature requests are all at least 2 years old, most 3+ years. And there are some as simple as adding a metronome. That doesn’t sound to me as if NDSP looks into these and/or cares about them.
NDSP certainly looks at the feature requests and has implemented based on priority in the past.
Bug reports are closed when resolved etc.
Resolved Feature Requests - Neural DSP