Noise/Dark Captures

Just took order of a Nano Cortex. The good news is that it’s well made and presets sound reasonably good and feel even better.

I attempted to capture my 18-watt Marshall. Mine in particular is quite gainy (I built it as a single channel, Volume and Tone with the High Input going into both triodes of V1 in parallel).

I initially tried to use the USB cable to power the unit, but was getting a ton of noise (hum and hiss) when trying to capture. I switched to a One Spot that I have, and this cut down the noise significantly.

I set up to capture the amp direct, using an Iron Man II attenuator as a load box. Levels were good according to the unit.

The resultant capture sounded similar to the “source.” However, both the source and capture were significantly less gainy than the amp and much darker.

Any ideas? I’m guessing if there’s an error on my part, it’s in using the Iron Man, but it should work.

So, I got a Suhr Load Box and IR Loader. And it’s awesome.

I tried to capture the 18-watt again with the Suhr Load box. No major differences. The capture is dark and undergained. The levels are good going into the unit.

I plugged my headphones directly into the Suhr and the difference was huge. It had all of the wonderful qualities of the 18-watt amp: sizzling top end and plenty of gain.

What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? Others having similar issues?

I’d be spitballin’ but it could be related to the unbalanced output of the Suhr going into the balanced capture input of the Nano. I wouldn’t use the Suhr XLR output into the Nano XLR input as the Suhr output is line level and the Nano is mic level. You might try a direct box in between the Suhr and the Nano’s mic input. But… I could be wrong. :innocent:

I used the Effects loop send, into a mixer to boost the volume, into the capture input with both my valveking and joyo zombie, and they both turned out really well. If you have a mixer, I’d suggest giving it a try