No access to factory captures after update 1.0.2 + Factory reset Error

CorOS Version: 1.0.2

Describe your issue:
Can choose the directory Factory Capture 1+2
Can see the presets
Nothing happens after pressing a preset

Than I tried a Factory reset.
Now I#m unable to Log in Invalid credentials (3202)

Steps to reproduce your issue:

  1. Go to directory
  2. Go to Factory Captures
  3. Press a Preset in the right row → Nothing

Please help.

Hey @DonTom. Factory captures have to be loaded as blocks, and not presets. Try adding one as a new device to the grid instead and check if the problem persists.

Regarding the second issue, do you still have problems trying to log in?

Thanks Gonzalo,

I’m still not able to log in → error 3202

Regarding Factory captures → Thanks solved

@DonTom - could it be that Wifi settings are lost ?

@DonTom That error message should only appear when you use the wrong credentials. Please try resetting your password: Reset password - Neural DSP

If it doesn’t work, send us a report from your unit (Settings > Contact us > Send report) and let me know your QC serial number through PM so we can identify your report.


Thanks a lot guys.
Magic :man_shrugging:t2: After a few tries it worked.
Installed backup. Everything’s fine :ok_hand:t4:

1 Like

I’m having the same issue w/ no access to the captures… nothing happens… whats the fix? thanks!

See Gonzalos comment: Factory captures have to be loaded as blocks, and not presets. Try adding one as a new device to the grid instead and check if the problem persists.

A little tricky to understand how it works, not illogical, but not completely solved in terms of software

Hi @DonTom I liked your Henriksen capture a lot. Not sure if you saw my PM message to you. Was wondering if you had a capture with a brighter sound for the same.

thanks noel got PM