My SOLDANO, Rabea and Tone King plugins MIDI and Morningstar files

Here I am sharing my personal NDSP plugins MIDI files and Morningstar MIDI controller settings, files and screenshots.

You don’t have to use the same settings as mine, but my settings could be a good starting point.

This is how my current MIDI setup looks like:

1 Mission Engeneering SP25L-PRO Aero
2 Morningstar MC6 MKII
3 Bugera FSB102A

Unfortunately, my model Mission pedal is using a latching toe down switch (which apparently breaks the action logic in the MIDI controller because a latching switch only has a Press action) so I am using external Bugera pedal to perform a toe down actions in my plugins, and also to Toggle the Morningstar MIDI controller pages.

My Morningstar Banks and NDSP plugins files:

NDSP Soldano SLO-100:
Morningstar_MC6_MKII_Bank_Backup_NDSP Soldano SLO-100 X.json (19.3 KB)
NDSP Soldano SLO-100 MIDI map.json (1.6 KB)

NDSP Rabea :
Morningstar_MC6_MKII_Bank_Backup_NDSP Rabea.json (19.2 KB)
NDSP Rabea MIDI.json (1.1 KB)

NDSP ToneKing Imperial MKII :
Morningstar_MC6_MKII_Bank_Backup_Tone King Imperial MKII.json (19.2 KB)
NDSP Tone King MIDI map.json (1.5 KB)


All NDSP… MIDI map files must be renamed from .json to .xml file extension in order to work!

The NDSP… MIDI maps location in Mac OS:

‘/Users/Your User Name/Library/Application Support/Neural DSP’

The next step configures my MIDI controller use of the Mission and Bugera pedals:
controller_settings_all.json (9.1 KB)

Morningstar Editor → Controller Settings → Configure Omniports:

*the aforementioned renaming of the file extensions is necessary due to external security policy.