Has anyone successfully been able to use Morningstar MC8/6 for Neural DSP plugins using Reaper 7.27? I followed these instructions below exactly and there’s just no response except for a little yellow square on my tracks in Reaper when I hit the buttons on my Morningstar MC8.
All I’m trying to do is program a preset to A, preset to B, and preset to C. I’ve gotten this to work in the Fortin Nameless stand alone application but no luck in Reaper. Any help would be much appreciated.
Step 1 - Launch REAPER, go to “Options” > “Preferences” > “MIDI Devices” and check that your MIDI controller is recognized and enabled in the MIDI inputs and MIDI outputs sections. To enable your device, double click your device in the MIDI inputs list and check “Enable input from this device” and “Enable input for control messages”. Then double click your device in the MIDI outputs list and check “Enable output to this device”.
Step 2 - Create a track and load your plugin onto it.
Step 3 - Create another track and make it a sub-track for the one you created in the previous step by dragging it on top of it or by clicking on the folder icon at the bottom-left corner of the first track you created.
Step 4 - Set the input for the second track to your MIDI controller by right clicking the record arm button and selecting “Input: MIDI” > “All MIDI inputs” > “All channels”
Step 5 - Arm both tracks for recording and make sure monitoring is enabled
Step 6 - Open your plugin window and use the MIDI Learn function to map MIDI messages.
Step 7 - You can also write notes in the MIDI region of your track to automate parameters/preset changes.