Mp3 Recorder/Player + store Loops

Considering we got over 20GB free… why we don’t put them to use to record ideas, record sample to remember what a preset was created for, play backing tracks, just to say a few. with standard mp3 we got days of records.

I would love a rec/play block or the looper to remember the loop when preset is saved to have it immediately playable (also to remeber what I created with the preset, can also be a vocal note).

If I could, I would vote +99 on this one…


We should open a feature request to use all our vote credits on a single thing! :smiley:


Yes. (Post must be at least 15 characters)

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This is one of my top requests. Any feature that allows for the saving of loops and/or audio for triggering. I voted on a similar request from a while back… My primary need is to create & save loops to launch them later (to have a library of backing tracks for one of my bands). But also, triggering audio files that I could load into the QC would be a stellar feature.

Hey @MP_Mod - is there a way to amalgamate the various similar requests for savable audio or loops, so our votes have more weight? Sorry, I’m not a whiz at this forum. Thx.


Not only a MP3 player, but also a multi tracking player, so we can play backtrack with click.


Yes, please consolidate all requests for enhanced looper functionality.

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This whould be amazing!