MIDI Mapping only works in DAW but not in standalone app


I have successfully used both my computer keyboard aswell as a small MIDI keyboard connected to my PC to change presets for the Archetype Gojira X VST in Ableton 11. Unfortunately I am not able to replicate this in the standalone app.

Inside the settings of the standalone app, my Nektar SE25 MIDI keyboard is shown inside the tab for “MIDI Input Devices”. Actually there is two of them, one called “SE25” and the other called “MIDIIN2 (SE25”). I have tried enabling either one of them, aswell as both of them at the same time while testing the “Enable MIDI Learn” functionality and MIDI Mappings. Inside MIDI Mappings I tried to create one for every type, “CC”, “Note” and “PC”. All to no avail.

BTW, This is how I do it in Ableton 11:
1. I create one audio track and one MIDI track.
2. I equip Archetype Gojira X VST on my Audio track.
3. I select either my computer keyboard or my Nektar SE25 MIDI keyboard as Input type on the MIDI track.
4. I select Archetype Gojira X VST as output type on my MIDI track.
5. I arm recording on both tracks.
6. I open up my Archetype Gojira X VST on my audio track and right click on a preset of my choice, then click on the “Enable MIDI Learn”.
7. I click on the button I want to bind the preset to.
8. It now works to switch to that preset using the beforementioned keybind.

Something that had me foxed for a while was the fact that the MIDI input will not respond until the audio channels, in and out, are correctly set up. So if you’re trying to make your MIDI connection work without bothering to plug in in your Focusrite or other interface then MIDI messages get ignored.
Another problem that occurs quite often after making any changes to your set-up, such as unplugging your controller briefly is that the plugin stops responding to MIDI commands. Go into Settings, uncheck the MIDI input you re using, re-check it and all comes good.
Hopefully one or other of these fixes is all you need.

Interesting! That’s definitly something I’ll have to try. Just so happens that my focusrite started having problems a few days ago and is now in the shop getting looked at (hopefully repaired aswell).

Thank you for the input!