Hello guys, I’m trying to control the Nano with a Bridge6 via USB-C but seems not working.
I check midi channel (1 in both devices) and I assigned PC from 20 to 25 in all the 6 switches just to change preset on nano but it doesn’t work.
I checked the manual and should be ok…
Maybe I forgot something???
P.s.: the same controller works with my Dwarf in usb-c mode, on QC and Axefx3 too.
I tried with 2 USB-C cable and I also tried with a Midi cable-trs type A (tested!), sending program change on the same midi channel (1).
I checked that the midi controller send correct messages with another device.
I tried sending PC via usb-c with LOGIC and it works but I can’t use il with my controller midi… but it works with other devices and I tried 3 type A cables!
edit: shooting troubles atm, might have been my fault
so yeah, same here. no idea why it doesn’t respond to program change messages. tried with helix stomp, switching through from 1st preset. nothing happens on the nano