MIDI Guitar using a Neural DSP Quad Cortex, MIDI GUITAR 2 iOS App and Hardware Synths

Hey everyone. I recently saw a post here about using MIDI GUITAR 2 and the QC to play synth guitar on here.

Here’s a video I made a while ago using real hardware synths and the great routing, expression pedal and MIDI options from the QC that makes it possible for a live situation. I hope you enjoy :slight_smile:


This is really epic. I may have to look into doing something like this. I’ve been wanting to explore MIDI guitar for awhile, mostly for inputting into my DAW. I’ll check this out on my bigger screen later to research the gear. Thank you so much.

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wow, that’s fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

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I done this too, just using QC as the audio interface into a gig computer (an old MacBook pro) into MIDI Guitar 2 (3 is in Beta). This gives access to all the great MIDI tone generators available for macOS. I use SampleTank 4. The same computer is used to control our X32-Core PA, so it’s easy to send the MIDI tone generator out on its own X32-Core channel.

Although this is impressive, works great, and is even fairly simple to setup, I only used it on a gig once for one song. It’s just not needed with a keyboard player in the band, and isn’t a substitute for a keyboard player if you don’t. I could see it being more useful for original music.

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I’ve tried to keep as simple as possible, so I can have a bit of synth guitar when I want it. The iPad also runs backing tracks and MIDI via Cubasis to and from the QC, which is a nice little ecosystem.

As always with MIDI guitar, you have to adjust your playing style to be very precise to avoid those unwanted notes that are triggered from string noise. I just wish you were able to change MIDI channels on the fly in the iOS app. You can do this using a laptop with Logic etc, but the software is £170 for PC/MAC, whereas the iOS MIDI feature was £15.

I’ve used other solutions with the MIDI pickup (Roland etc) but this is far more responsive.