Jump quickly to "Assign Expression Pedal" screen!

Would like to be able to more quickly jump to the “Assign Expression Pedal” screen. When you edit a block would like to include an icon on the initial edit screen that goes directly to the “Assign Expression Pedal” screen. Maybe put it next to the context menu icon (three dots).

Right now, you have to first edit the block, then click the context menu (three dots) and then click the “Assign Expression Pedal” selection, to get to the screen for assigning a block’s parameters to the expression pedal. Seems like at least one unnecessary extra step.

personally i don´t think it´s that much of a hastle pressing one more click, specially since they are working on more essential stuff :sweat_smile:

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they really tightened the whole process up with this update, but I still wish you could tap on the XP meter once it’s assigned as a shortcut straight back to the settings menu

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A minor annoyance and I know what you mean about working on more critical stuff, e.g. let’s get the editor out in the wild. However, it is those workflow QOL issues in a UI that can really start to get annoying after a while. Extra clicks and things buried in menus when they need to be used on a regular basis deserve faster methods of access. Not saying they should halt all other development for this. :wink:

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yea i agree, i think the extra step when a pedal is already assigned is also bothersome but it´s also faster if you reconfigure from expression 1 to 2 or something.
hopefully they got to optimizing all the little stuff soon since you are right, it sums up

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Yours is an even more elegant method for expediting XP access than the one I suggested. I like it! With your permission would like to add it to the feature request.

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I think I created one for that a while back:

That was pre-2.1.0, so it’s a little better now but this just seems like a good way to do a shortcut to me. Wish it got more votes

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Wish I had seen this before I posted my feature request. I would have just voted there (which I just did). I did search for similar requests before posting my own but searched on “expression” rather than “XP”. Live and learn.

@MP_Mod, if you want to close out this feature request, please do. The @xush request is a superior approach. Hope to see more votes on this one once some of the larger feature requests have been delivered.

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No worries and will do! Finding duplicates with alternate spellings (e.g. expression vs. XP (or EXP) is difficult! Thanks for the heads @HonestOpinion !