In Stomp+Scene mode, MIDI CCs for Stomp E, F, G, H change scenes instead of controlling stomps

CorOS Version: 3.0.1

Describe your issue:
I have QC configured in Stomp+Scene hybrid mode. I’m using an MC8 to be able to access scenes A, B, C and D, and Stomp switches E, F, G and H so that I have access to all scenes and stomp switches while in hybrid mode.

Sending MIDI CC#39 is changing QC to scene E instead of controlling enable/bypass on Footswitch E. The documentation says this should work in all modes. Instead the stomp switches E, F, G and H are overlapping MIDI CC#43 with values 4, 5, 6, and 7.

Steps to reproduce your issue:

  1. Put QC in Stomp+Scene hybrid mode. Press E and scene E is selected as expected. Press A and the effect configured to bypass on stomp A toggles as expected
  2. Send MIDI CC#43, value 0 and see that scene A is selected as expected
  3. Send MIDI CC#39, value 127. Instead of controlling the bypass of the effect mapped to stomp switch E, scene E is selected, duplicating the scene E function (CC#43,4).

I expected this to happen:
I expected all the MIDI CC messages for enable/bypass footswitches to work in all modes, including hybrid mode, and not duplicate scene selection with CC#43.

I have tried the following things:

  • Sending CC35 does work as stomp enable/bypass when in stomp+scene hybrid mode, but CC39, 40, 41 and 42 do not.