I play using scene mode in order to have 2 ‘signal chains’ which I can switch between/change effects/amp with using the scenes. One chain is for cleans with a twin reverb, and one for gain with a 5150. I use a load of effects as well.
I’m not quite sure on how to set this rig up properly. I’ve been dealing with it for now but I’m not sure if there is a more CPU saving way of doing this as I cannot add any more pitch effects to the presets, and I wanna add a whammy.
Any tips on perfecting the set ups would be much appreciate.
I have attached an image of 2 of my set ups which both have a lot of blocks.

Two out of the four processors handle the top two rows on the grid, and the other two processors handle the bottom two rows. By squeezing everything into the top rows, you’re actually using only half of the available processing power.
Try spreading out your preset to utilize the bottom rows while still being able to switch between them. You should be able to pack more effects onto the grid that way.
Ahh thank you! If I was to move the gain channel to the 3rd row, would I rejoin it back to the top row, or would I just add a multi out from the 3rd row?
You would need to add the multi-out from the 3rd row.
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