How to get a specific delay tone

Hey all! New to Quad Cortex and not posted before. But I have a question about delays.

I am trying to achieve the delay tone of A Decade Under the Influence by Taking Back Sunday.

I know that sometimes when they play this he doesnt use a delay but I want to achieve the delay version. Essentially aiming for this verse tone

In theory it shouldnt be that difficult. Its just 8 repeats (Technically 7 as the first is the stum) But the repeats are all at (pretty much) the same volume.

I thought I could just set the mix to max and the feedback to the right amount of delays but I just cant seem to get it to sound right. Can anyone help me?


Use the tape delay, mix about 80%, play with the repeats, wow and flutter to get it souning right.


If repeats are too dark from @tomfs recommendation, try the analog.

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Awesome! Thanks I will give it a try :slight_smile:

Perfect! Thanks @andycoalter - Will certainly give that a try

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