How do I dial a jazz tone?
I posted on Reddit before asking which Neural DSP plugin I should get, and most said to get the Abasi Archetype because I play on an 8 string. Honestly, I freaking love it, I got great black metal, death metal, clean math rock, prog tones (which is what I was mainly going for). I don’t regret choosing the Abasi Archetype whatsoever. That being said, there are two presets on the Nolly Archetype that I wish to emulate;
Warm Jazz: honestly I was hesitant on choosing the Abasi because of how good it sounds
Nolly's Murmur: this tone being a nod to one of my fav bands, Cynic, sounds absolutely amazing.
What I am asking, is there a way to emulate these two Nolly tones on the Abasi Archetype?