Hotone SoulPress II does not work with Quad Cortex

Hi everyone,

I’ve bought a Hotone SoulPress II for my Quad Cortex and I can’t make it work …

I’ve connected a TRS cable to the pedal in the EXP OUT and to the Quad Cortex (Expression 1).

No signal, can’t use it …

Is there something I’ve done wrong ?..

Thanks for your answer !

Going from the Exp out on the pedal to the Exp 1 in on the QC did you assign the Exp 1 input to a Wah block in your preset? The Hotone pedal Wah will not work through the Exp 1 input. It you want to use the Wah in the Hotone you need to run a standard TS cable from the Hotone Out to Input 1 or 2 on the QC like you would to an amp.

Looks like you can run both at the same time but the switch on the Hotone cannot control the Exp function only the Wah.

Yes, it’s assigned to EXP 1. I want to use it as an expression pedal, so if the SoulPress II can’t do it, I’ll change it …

The SoulPress 1 was endorsed and supported, so that’s a bit weird that version 2 can’t work with QC…

It’s OK, it was just a bad cable : I used a TRS one and all works fine now !

So do you use it as an external wah into the QC and then the exp out for other things in the QC?

Looks interesting.

I’ve connected it in the Expression 1 in the QC, from EXP out in the SoulPress. No power supply needed … Works great !

I’d be tempted to use the SP as a stand alone wah along with the expression pedal but I don’t see a way to decouple the wah and expression pedal function on the SP. For instance if you have tne exp out assign to control the gain on an amp when you turn on the SP wah it would still be contolling that gain too.

Digging out this thread…so, there is no way that the Hotone SoulPress II’s foot switch controls the Exp2 to activate/deactivate blocks?
When I try to calibrate it, it just goes to 100% all the time.

That means your switch is working. You just need to go to a block, and then it’s settings menu, and to “assign expression pedal”.

You can follow the rest from below video. It’s possible to assign any block by switch, or turn on/off by expression pedal position etc. many many possibilities.

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You are perfectly right. This video helped a lot, I was just too dumb to make it work correctly. All god now, thanks a lot!

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