Feedback When Playing Live

Alright guys, this is probably very basic and not specific to the QC - but I’ve been making tones, and at home they sound great, but on stage I get feedback straight away and then I switch back to a tone I know won’t get feedback, but just isn’t quite what I want. What’s the first thing I should be looking at here? Trouble is I can’t sit and play around when setting up for a live show, I need to tweak at home and then hope it’s worked :pray: Cheers!

How do you monitor your guitar sound on stage?
FRFR speaker, stage monitors, Poweramp+Cab?
I had some feedback issues with my old poweramp+cab setup but then it was more about placing the speaker on stage.

Could you share your preset which is affected by this?

Do you have a gate within your preset?
I experienced the same playing home vs rehearsal / on stage. I just raised the threshold for the gate in the QC and got it under control.

Also, at home i was the Kraken Ch2 all the time, cause i like the saturation and bottom “umpfh” - live or in reheasal i tend to use lower gain presets, because you’ll get a lot more of you tone when it’s so loud.

andyjcp did mention the monitoring/speaker thing, this is definitely an issue which could affect this.

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what’s your guitar and pickups?

This is a good point! I use wedges on stage, but I guess when my band switches to in-ears (the inevitable rack that everyone seems to have nowadays :joy:) then this would solve the issue!

Very good ideas, I could drop the gain a touch. Also yeah I’ve never used a gate because I’ve never needed one before.

How do I share a preset? I… really need to learn this stuff

Don’t judge :judge:

Guitar: Schecter Sun Valley Super Shredder
Pickups: Schecter USA Sunset Strip (bridge) and Schecter USA Pasadena (neck) - I use neck because I mostly play lead stuff

It would be worth a try! I tend to use pretty high gainy sounds (whitesnake tribute band, lead guitar) and this was the solution for me. (gate+lower the gain a bit)

But it’s still a problem on small stages where we’re playin with wedges instead of inears. I think it’s physics kinda… :smiley:

Are you using the Cortex Control? There you could click on the dots next to a preset and pick “Upload to cloud”. When you log in into the Cortex Cloud App or Web you can set it to “public” instead of private and share the link of you preset with us. so we can investigate the preset further :slight_smile:

What kind of feedback are you experiencing? “Controlled feedback” from your strings ringing sympathetically or is it squeel from your pickups (even if you mute your strings)? If it’s the latter, you likely have one or more microphonic pickup(s) which would be much more difficult or impossible to control at high volume.

I’m thinking about buying either a C1 HT S SLS Elite Evil Twin or C1 FR S SLS Evil Twin, opinions? I’m kinda leaning HT IF I can switch out the Tuners with a locking set using the same holes like I did on my PRS John Mayer SE Silver Sky. I’d love to pickup the Purple Peavey 6505 MH I seen on a YouTube vid as well, if I can find one.

I finally managed it!

I have no idea! But I have a gig in a few weeks and I’ll be sure to test it out :slight_smile: