Newbie on the Nano cortex here
So bare that in mind - stupid questions ahead!
When creating a present I’m presented with a screen in the app where I can activate whatever capture, IR and effects and save it. All good so far.
Now, after saving, let’s say I want to go in and add the chorus. How do I do that in the app? Or change the amount of reverb?
Any pointers? Or is it simply not possible to access the same screen when editing as it is when creating?
After you have created a preset and go back to the main pedal screen in the app (se 1 below) you are seeing the details of the preset you just created. If you scroll down in this view you will see the Neural Capture section and the Cab IR secton and at the bottom you have the pre and post effects. (Se 3 below.) Any changes in this view can be saved to the currently selected preset. (If you have made a change the save button on the pedal will start to blink to indicate that you have changes that you can save to the preset.)
So if you want to load and edit a preset you; Select the “show all presets” (see 1 at the bottom) and then scroll down in the preset list (see 2) and load a preset by selecting it. If you want to edit the preset you go back (top left corner of the app) and now you are back in the pedal main screen (see 1) where you can do your changes.
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Yep, super obvious once pointed out! Thank you for the images and excellent description 
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